by 3:38 AM 2 comments

Assalamualaikum. Tonight , around 8:30 pm, the results for overseas studies under Mara are out.
But before I tell you the result , let me tell you a bit of my  BITTER my experince.

On the 3rd of March, I got my SPM results. Alhamdullilah, I passed with flying colours.With my good results,what  I had on my mind is


Hahaha, Of course I was happy. But , not everything was smooth sailing, the sky is not always blue, the waves are not always calm, and not everything goes the way you wanted. My results are just average to be honest compared to those who got 10A+, 9A+, something ++, in fact I'm sure if you could take 50 subjects for SPM, there will be a super smart kiasu student who can score 50A+.

So happily, I applied to JPA-MARA,Maybank, Taylor's, Yayasan Peneraju Tunas Potensi, Yayasan Sarawak,UEM, Yayasan TnB, Hong Leong , you name it.
When the application for Jpa-Mara scholarship was called for the interview, I was not shortlisted.
Sad, I really was. It hurts so bad, that I cried myself to sleep at night.


All these feelings gather up, and swell up at once, Like an unpredicted hurricane. Like a unavoidable tornado. The unescapable whirlpool.

I asked God "Why not me? Why wasnt I choosen? You know how badly I wanted to to study overseas right?" I pointed at God, my faith tested
Yalah, I was so sad that all my friends got shortlisted, and I wass the only one out listed. .Tons of my friends got called for Maybank scholarship, JPA-MARA, Petronas, etc etc.
I always hear this saying, but never did I thought it will bite my one day.

"How can you say you that you are faithful to Islam if you have not been tested?"
"Macam mana awak nak cakap awak benar2 beriman sedangkan awak tak pernah diuji?"

So, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. The pain diluted away,but forever aches in your heart. I tried to get over it slowly. Eventually, I did. A lot of my friends  was offered a scholarship to study overseas. I was genuinely happy for them cause they deserved it. Then , the results for the government university was out. Alhamdullilah. I got into UM.

UM is like the ivy league of Malaysia. The best place to pursue your studies. Then, I was also offered a place to UTP. UTP is fully owned by petronas, and also one of the ivy league of Malaysia. In the end, I finally settled in UTP, paid the application fees, and was happy with my choice.

UTP is great university, the employment rate is higher than 90%, accommodation and facilities are top notch and the university stressed on QUALITY not QUANTITY. Yes, to get into that university, I had to spent RM 200 just for the tickets to fly to Kuching for their Educamp, just to take a 15 minute IQ test, and to test our english skills.  Shisshh.

And the results were out for Yayasan Peneraju Tunas Potensi. As expected, I was also rejected. Hahaha. But I didn't care, cause I know they are a lot of people who  really deserve it and need it FINANCIALLY. I was lucky I come from a stable family, and that is more than enough.I mean if it is meant for you, it is meant for you. If it was not meant for you-a thousand years past and will still never be yours. Getting called for the interview was more than enough.

Do you know how painful it is, to refresh your email every single day, hoping to get a bloody answer or an email from the higher ups?

So, I make an appeal for Jpa-Mara scholarship, send an appeal letter to both JPA and MARA office attached with a super colourful CV and stressed out that KEDAYAN is a minority race in Malaysia and is far behind in academic, and one fine night, MARA's application was out. I didnt even apply for Mara scholarship, didnt even attend the interview for preliminaries, and I know I wont ever be shortlisted.

Or so I thought.....

I just type in my IC on a wimp, and then BAM!
It hits me real hard. Let the picture explain :)
Alhamdullilah, thank you for giving me just a small town Kedayan girl, to live her dreams ,tackle it dreams and make it come true.

Ya Allah, Ya Sami' , tnank you for hearing my prayers. :')

Blazing Sun


An otaku. A food hunter.A hoarder of knowledge, a small girl from the Island of Borneo.Created this blog to share about my experience on studies and scholarship, my journey to pursue knowledge


  1. how did you do rayuan for your jpa-mara scholarship? btw i'm also a kolejian who is juz a year younger than you :) pls help me as i did not get called for the jpa-mara temuduga too :(

  2. kakak check tu semsa dh masuk ua tawaran upu ke
