Taylor World Class Scholarship 2015

by 10:48 AM 1 comments

Hello, this is my 3rd post regarding a scholarship and today I would like to share you about Taylor's World Class Scholarship interview!

It is a very prestigious scholarship I must say as they sponsor you till your degree and here's the bonus! You get to work with one of the most prestigious companies !

More info, please click here .

I received the letter of invitation quite late compare to my friends but hey ! An email of invitation did come eventually!

Here's a screenshot

Fortunately, the interview can be conducted at Kuching's regional office! 
So, there was only 2 people on the day of the interview. 
The interview was conducted via Skype.
There was only me and a boy ready for the interview. 

The person who interview me was quite nice and friendly that I forgot to feel nervous. 
He even said see you at Taylor's! 
Gosh that gave me high hopes ! haha

What did he ask?
You need general knowledge. The interviewee ask me about Tun Dr Mahathir, 
how I felt regarding the flood in Sarawak, what did I do for my club. 
Why did I want this scholarship. What do I do if I cant get this scholarship. 

So , a few days later I got a feedback!
I didn't get the World Class Scholarship. 
I was not down actually, cause the fact that I know was only 
12 people will get the scholarship this year!
I am not only up against recent SPM leavers who got 9A+++++ (over exaggerating) , but I am also up against those who just completed their A-levels and foundation as well.
Tough competition out there aight. 

They offered me Bussiness Leader Program with RM 6,000 tuition waiver. 
I called them cause I have a few enquiries . 
Unfortunately, they spelled my scholarship wrongly. 

I was actually offered Taylor's Grand Challenger Program . 
I had to reject this opportunity.
Because, engineering is not what I want. 
Furthermore, the total fee for foundation in engineering is RM 25k. 
And apparently, the engineering program was not accredited by MQA. 
So, it was gonna be hard for me too apply for PTPTN loan, or MARA loan. 

Its a pity though. Taylor University is such a prestigious school with good facilities, beautiful campus as well! I wanted to take my A-levels there too to be honest cause Taylor's College is one of the best college in Malaysia to take A-levels, but... yeah.. 

I hope this post helps you anyone out there who was chosen for the interview and good luck! :) 

Blazing Sun


An otaku. A food hunter.A hoarder of knowledge, a small girl from the Island of Borneo.Created this blog to share about my experience on studies and scholarship, my journey to pursue knowledge

1 comment:

  1. Hello can i ask you about this scholarship? Is there any assessment we must do bef the interview? Please reply this asap i realllly need ur help
