Yayasan Peneraju Scholarship 2015

by 8:56 AM 0 comments

Hello and assalamualaikum!
Remember my last post when I was sad-to-death just because I was not shortlisted for JPA-MARA scholarship while my friends all got shortlisted?

Yes, I know. I was kinda silly to be down over that single thing.
So after my slump from my what seems to be forever sadness, I received good news from my friends via text.

It was a tiring day after work, and I didnt realised that  I crashed on the couch the minute I reached home.


"Huhh? What interview I?", I thought to myself. So, she sent me a list of names for shortlisted candidates for Yayasan Peneraju. What is Yayasan Peneraju? It is a prestigious scholarship for Bumiputera students for a full time degree course.

More info, click here

So, really, it is a prestigious scholarship. And there I was thinking, my last time to get a golden opportunity.
The reason I was saying it was my last chance, because for some students too , its their last chance to get a full scholarship as well.
I mean, the minimum requirements is just 5A- for your SPM! For asian parents, 5A- not that good lah! Nahh just kidding.

So on the day of the interview, I was among the last person to be late. Registration ends at 8:30 am and I reached there at 9. So, you can imagined the look on other candidates face seeing me late!

It was unavoidable! The documents that I need is at the post office and sadly, the post office opens at 8:30 am !

Oh God. So, after shamelessly coming late for an interview, forgetting my identification card ( luckily they accept a certified copy of my ic which I brought along! ) , I sat at the back, with a sticker of number 48 placed well on my right chest , while listening to the speech.

What was the speech about? Urmm, how some recipents abused the scholarhsip, this year requirements they change a bit, and out of 5000 students applied for the scholarship this year, only 1000 are shortlisted and only 200 students are chosen ! So my chances of getting the scholarship is 1:5. Yikes. I was nervous.

After the speech, we sat for an aptitude test. Based on the aptitude test, the higher ups will decide which course suits us the best according to our skills and personality. Pretty unique right? :D

After the test, one by one , candidates are called to be interviewed. I was nervous. My hands were shivering. My heart beats loudly. I just cant feel calm. The room turns dark. There was this burden that I feel deep in my chest.

I was the second last person to be called ( since I was late ) . The interview went smoothly, english is my best language, but I was stuck in  the moment, when they asked me , just a very simple question really.

"Why do you deserve this scholarship?"
"Besides your great SPM result, what are your greatest achievements?"

I took a bit of time, arranging my words to make it sounds great! Hahh!
But I just had to be honest. And honest was my answer.
After the interview, I thank the interviewee and bid goodbye!

I will only know about the result at the end of May though! Such a long time! Pray that I will get this scholarship ayyy?


Blazing Sun


An otaku. A food hunter.A hoarder of knowledge, a small girl from the Island of Borneo.Created this blog to share about my experience on studies and scholarship, my journey to pursue knowledge


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